Potatoes and Bacon Pie


One of my favorites as a kid was the Pastel de Papas. It is really easy to make and not expensive at all

Enhance your culinary talent with Nativo Spices.


  • Pampas Herbs 2 tbsp

  • Potatoes 1 lb, (peeled and diced big)

  • Onion 1 ea (peeled and diced small)

  • Garlic 2 cloves (chopped)

  • Bacon 2 oz. (diced)

  • Eggs 6 ea.

  • Oil to fry


  • Pre-fry the potatoes until cooked.

  • Heat the pan, add the bacon, onion, and garlic. Let them cook until brown.

  • Add the potatoes in the pan and reduce the heat to minimum.

  • In a bowl mix the eggs and Pampas Herbs. Add this mix to the pan and cook the eggs.

  • Flip over the pan on this and enjoy it with a delicious salad.

  • Share this recipe with friends and family.


Pampas Herbs

Steamed Corn


Patagonia Mix - Aioli